The Florentine Colloquia 2023 16-18 March 2023
Legend: P1: free parking via del Perugino P2: free car park via del Cavallaccio/via dello Scheggia P3: Piombino Avenue P4: UCI car park Arrivals: Green arrow: coming from the NORTH…
Legend: P1: free parking via del Perugino P2: free car park via del Cavallaccio/via dello Scheggia P3: Piombino Avenue P4: UCI car park Arrivals: Green arrow: coming from the NORTH…
Legend: P1: free parking via del Perugino P2: free car park via del Cavallaccio/via dello Scheggia P3: Piombino Avenue P4: UCI car park Arrivals: Green arrow: coming from the NORTH…
Legend: P1: free parking via del Perugino P2: free car park via del Cavallaccio/via dello Scheggia P3: Piombino Avenue P4: UCI car park Arrivals: Green arrow: coming from the NORTH…